We can deliver all kinds of package:

Package for edible and industrial process:
Bread for bags, package for edible products, flexible packaging for bakery and confectionery manufacturers, materials for packaging bread into bags, film for ice-cream, film with a pattern, flexoprinting on the film, refrigerating plants, milk plants, elevators and etc.
For textile and chemical industry:
For textile factories, manufacturers of perfumery, grooming means, household chemistry, toys, CD, DVD discs and etc.
Film for ice-cream,it's ingredients has special polymer additions, and with their help the film got better qualities. For example to get multilayer film from one cycle, co-ecstrusion is used this method is suit for production of the different kinds of films. Also co -ecstruision can solve the problem of economical plan – the film is produced at once cycle and it's qualities are quite the same as their analogues does, that is it's allows all the requirements of the consumers. Nowadays even 3 layers film is produced in this way, by the way it is also used for packing the ice-cream.
To pack the fresh baked bread into the bags for bread or not to pack – is very important question. Depending on the decision depends profit of the manufacturing of the bread – if yes, than the manufacture needs to have modern equipment. It means that the price of the bread will increase. What are the positive properties of the bread bags, what made us to choose them?
We offer you a package of non-oriented polypropylene (wicket-bags). The basic material of these packages - cast polypropylene film-CPP. In contrast to the packages of HDPE and LDPE, the bread in these packages may be packed and kept warm for several weeks without loss of flavor and aroma.
Flexo pritning on the film - flexographic variant, with its help the printing is putted on the flexible package.
Cliche - printing flexo plates, for making flexo printing, the montage is done with the special tape, which has two sticky sides.
Tape with sticky sides adhesive tape double-sided tape is selected by the type of material, which will be applied flexo, as no small role played by the complexity of the execution of the figure, the characteristics of the machine is intended for the manufacture of flexographic printing.
The firm "GlavUpak" produces a film with a pattern. Products manufactured in rolls, the film thickness can vary from 35-40 micrometers., With a width of 400 to 1000 mm. Taking into account the wishes of the customer, the firm will produce the film with a pattern, where in addition to the figure, the possible selection of the thickness and width of the film itself.
Production of the film with printing
Our manufacture of the flexible package (film with printing) has modern equipment, which helps to satisfy duties of any customers rapidly.
In March of 2008 there was made completely retrofitting of all equipment for all kinds of film.
Our experts would help to create original and exclusive film for ice-cream , package for bread and other goods of food industry.
1. Professional designers would make individual design and unique appearance of your film with printing.
2. Well qualified experts would make the service for great quality printing up to 8 colors to all kinds of film.
3. Our logistical managers would make timely delivery.
Specialists of "GlavUpak" value their customers and provide a stable supply of the ordered film.
Call us, we can always find the right kind of film for you. Order the film from the picture we have, and you can test for its quality and reliability!
Our specialists are always ready to assist customers in selecting packaging materials. On request, we deliver.
We invite you to become a regular client of "GlavUpak." We are confident that the quality of our films and the level of service will convince you to choose loyalty.